Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The new site is up and running

I have moved over to the new Wordpress site. You can see it at


So far I have a general welcome, an About Me page that's still needing some adjusting, and my first Mindfulness post, a parable about a teacher trying to reach a student who is so preoccupied with keeping his serenity that he ends up losing it....

Also, I'm still publishing articles on Yahoo Voices under the Health and Wellness heading. Tying in with the new site is a series of short articles that share the basic title "A Mindful Guy" and the premise of the article.

Times have been challenging lately, which have given me ample opportunity to practice my Mindful resolve.

As an IRS employee, I have watched scandals rock the service while the sequestration ensures that I can barely make ends meet. While the media may bring attention to big money, I can assure you that they aren't reporting on the many Federal employees who are not making nearly as much as you hear about. On that subject...

My car got repossessed. It wasn't a fancy car and it was about 5 years old. Couldn't make the payments anymore. Life's perspective changes when you can't just go anywhere you want when you want without either taking the bus, finding a friend who will come get you, or walking.

But hey, I'm getting more exercise!

Life is what it is. I can be frustrated all I want, but it doesn't change anything.

As we've seen, emotions come and we can manage them. It's acceptable to be angry, or sad, or happy, or neutral. Emotions are part of our make-up, and sometimes they get the better of us.

So long as I accept them and deal with them rather than letting them rule me, I'll be fine.


I'm grateful to have the new site. It's going to be Mindfulness, but with a Midwest twist. It's what is referred to as my Writer's Voice. It's just who I am. It's going to be fun.

I'm also grateful to everyone who has taken some time to read this blog. I'd love to have you stop by the new place and check it out!

David W. Jones
Independence, Missouri, USA

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