Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Mindful Writer (Part 3 of 3)

Process, process, process….

In short – I know, bit late – a writer needs to find his or her process and stick with it. Whatever it is that helps the writer produce writing that satisfies them is valid to be be called The Right Way, and the only modifications needed are ones that lead to increased satisfaction.

My process is open and entwined with the jumble called the human world. It is whimsical and I am free to tolerate dry spells as well as monsoons.  It is not tied up with units moved or sales promotions right now, because publishing a book isn’t on my agenda at the moment. When that does become my focus, then I will adjust my process accordingly to achieve my goals to the best of my ability.

What’s the mindful aspect to all this?

Simply put, everyone must walk his or her own path in their own way, because they have to use their own figurative feet to do it.

There will always be people who insist the way I walk isn’t right, because my path doesn’t match theirs. They can’t accept that my path doesn’t move towards the same goals as theirs, so they don’t grasp how I could be so ignorant or wasteful as to pursue my goals through my process.

Acceptance means that I will know my goal and walk my path in the way my heart and intuition dictate. I am free to adjust my process because it will bring me closer to my goals, and I will not be coerced into embracing someone else’s process simply because it works for them or it landed them a billion-dollar advance. I promise that many people will embrace that process for exactly that reason…. and then fail. Why? There may be many explanations, but my best guess is that it’s because they were trying too hard to walk someone else’s path rather than their own.

I also accept writer’s block when it happens, simply because it happens. Getting frustrated over it is natural, and it happens, but by accepting it rather than judging it, I can overcome it by doing or writing something else. It’s like when I’m trying to remember someone’s name and the harder I try the farther away it gets. Fighting it is usually futile, while moving on often frees my mind of the block and the name (or the words) shows up.

I need to be non-judgmental about days of writing. They aren’t necessarily good or bad. They are just days. I often fail at this, of course, but that’s usually because a writing day either exceeded or failed to match my expectations for it. It would be a shame to miss the fact that a wonderful day full of value just passed me, declared to be a rotten day just because I wrote 3000 words that might never see the light of day. Shoot, how many best-selling authors had weeks like that? Bunches.

I gotta have faith (there’s that song again!) that my writing will achieve my goal of touching people. Even without very much feedback or comments on my blog, I am confident that I’m hitting my target more than I’m missing it. Writers and guitarists with certain bands simply adore feedback (well, with some writers it has to be positive to be appreciated. Lol). Yet I have faith in what I’m writing whether I hear a word back or not.

Presence? That’s all about being content with being right here, right now. Whatever success I have, whatever status I have as a writer, is where I am. I always have room to improve, and there are always more horizons to aim for. But I should never be dissatisfied with 50 readers because I should have 100; that would rob me of my joy and be a discredit to the 50 readers. I can be present with 50 readers, and at the same time work towards 100. I can let go of yesterday’s day of writing and wait for tomorrow’s; all I have right now is right now.

And right now I’m thankful that the words are flowing. It’s a good writing day!

Oops. Rats!

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